(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

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关灯 护眼 舒适     字体:

“ flu.”

he hi”

drrie rry.”

“y’t be.” drt the ry dve t. hs.”

“ y d.”

“not g , you . “tu.”

“re rue, y d ever, d u.”

drd shessed rry’s. “we .”


true a hd.

“ e .”

y .

r 16


the swee.

dr ter r ’.

clearly, ly t lriends.

euke dike.

dr e. “l t o re lrt over. “ .”

“read, everyt u is—”


“t rd v—”


“xued l whe .”

“ . .”

“.” ie. “y—”

“d. ves y ver rr ry, r d y eve .”

“xu d.”

“ t, red, r, e like o you.”


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